Friday, December 31, 2010

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne.

Today on our long, long trip home we heard on Sirius radio that nobody knows the lyrics to "Auld Lang Syne." Everybody sings, "Should auld acquaintance be forgot hmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm..." until they trail off.

I know the lyrics. All of them. Before I pat myself on the back for knowing one of our nation's most famous songs (I mean who doesn't hear that song every NYE), I must admit I only know it because it's on the soundtrack for Sex & the City (the first movie). Ha! :)
Last year, Christopher and I rang in 2010 by going out to a fancy pants dinner. We ate at a small restaurant that even had a jazzy lady singer and piano player serenade us. After, we went to our friends' housewarming/NYE party. We left our fancy clothes at home for some bonfire basics and tried on the NYE props.
This year, we have no such big plans or props. We spent on the day on the road, coming home from visiting Christopher's family. We unloaded all of my stuff from his car, obviously it had multiplied x48 since we had loaded his car last week. Our families were really good to us, and the clearance sales were reallly good to me! Christopher went home to relax, take a nap, and go for a run. I stayed home to relax, unpack, and... blog. :)

Our town puts on its very own ball drop. Last year, we were lucky enough to be taking Telula for a walk when it was getting set up. Let me say, this ball drop is a big deal. Like thousands of people come to see it from all around. What we saw last year confirmed the rumors of the ball drop.... the ball is indeed a huge ball of tin foil with light bulbs strung around it. Small towns get thrills from small things, I suppose. And what's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing! :) Tonight, our only plan is to watch the ball drop downtown while shivering in the frigid night air. We were only in northern Illinois, but it felt like we left spring and came back to find winter.

Soooo, Happy New Year! I am excited that this is the last year I will be kissing away the year as a single*. Next year, I'll be a married lady. :)

*I tease Christopher that we're still single. As in, when we fill out paperwork, we're neither divorced, widowed, or married. We'll be checking the single box for less than four more months!


  1. I love that the ball is tin foil and lights!! Happy New Year :)

  2. Color me impressed! Last night, I said "I really wish I knew the lyrics to this song." Maybe I will resolve to learn it by 2011!
    Happy New Year!

    The Auspicious Life

  3. Yay! It was my last New Years as a single girl, as well. I have 9 months to go, though. Still love reading your blog!
    Happy New Year!

  4. Love that 1st pic. You too are so cute together!

    Happy Happy New Year!

  5. Thanks for the kind comments ladies!

    MJ - ridiculous, right?! :) Too fun!
    Linda - Do it! Then I won't be the only one that knows them! :)
    Ab - Aw, congrats lady! 9 months will FLY! I can't believe we're at (less than) 4! :)
    JMay - Thanks!!! And Happy New Year to you too!


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