Tuesday, January 25, 2011

pattern dress with stripes

I'm not taking any grad classes this semester, in hopes of focusing on wedding planning. We've been so laid back about the plans (minus one minor cry about the bridesmaid dresses...story to come later) that I'm a smidgen nervous that we're going to go into full-on freak out mode sometime soon.

Although I'm not in grad classes through the University, I am participating in my biannual (teaching) book study. Tonight is the first meeting. It's on The Daily Five. I've heard nothing but good things about the book, and I'm really eager to learn more. Basically, it sounds like it's a system that teachers use to train their students to work independently on certain, valuable literacy tasks. While they work on their own, the teacher is free to meet with individual students. I have something similar already in place in my classroom, but I can always get better!

What I wore...
Linda announced that today is Breton Stripes Day. I can't figure out how to put the button on this post (copy/paste has always worked before?), so go here to learn more. :)
So...here's my stripes. I'm totally mixing patterns today, something I next to never do. I think I like it.


  1. Pattern mixing is so scary, WELL DONE! Love this, love this, love this.

  2. I am scared of pattern mixing, too. I love it when other people do it but I can't seem to find the confidence to mix patterns myself. Someday... I love the way you put your outfit together!

  3. You should try wearing the striped shirt over the dress, so the dress is like a skirt.

  4. I haven't ventured into the world of pattern mixing. You look so confident wearing and that's what matters. You look great!

    As for the button, you should be able to copy and paste the link into the HTML of your post when you edit it. Let me know if you need help. I don't have blogger, so I don't know all the specifics, but I can try to help!

    The Auspicious Life

  5. I love mixing patterns. As long as you don't overdo it (and you haven't) it can look great. And you do look great!

  6. lovely pattern mixing and what a great deal on this dress!

    cute and little
    come join the Color Brigade!

  7. The dress looks really cute with the striped top! Good luck with wedding planning :) x

  8. Hello. That dress is a pure ray of sunshine! And I'm all about seeing the fruits of your wedding planning. Weddings are so glorious, no? I may be just a little addicted to Whose Wedding Is It Anyway. And Bridalplasty. But mostly because it is just morbidly hilarious. "you will still have a wedding, it just won't be perfect"...has me rolling every time.

  9. I love stripes :-) Great blog. xoxo

  10. I like it a lot! especially the dress :)

  11. i love your take on the stripes! and i get so many good deals at old navy; it's quickly becoming one of my favorite places to shop!

  12. I love your pattern mixing! And I've totally had my eye on that dress in Old Navy too!


  13. You're so brave!!! Looked great though! :D


    P.S: I'm having an "I {heart} MY BLOG" giveaway which I bet you'd love! :D

  14. I'm LOVING that dress. and the pattern mixing? Splendid job!

    Cardigans and Cookie Dough


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